I have done some work to migrate the web site into this new format which has these advantages:
- It is much easier to manage than the old site structure
- Updates are much simpler and therefore can be done sooner
- It’s easy to see the latest news and announcements on the front page
- You can subscribe to email updates – you get a single email at the end of the day if there are new news posts (see the Subscribe box on the right hand side).
- The news items have a comments section that you can use
Let me know if you have any comments, or if you are looking for something from the old site and can’t find it.
It’s true. You can leave a comment.
Your name will show up on the comment, but your email address will not.
You can even comment on a comment.
The first time you leave a comment, it will be held for moderation (to block spammers), but once you have had an approved comment, you will be able to comment directly.