Canadian Olympic Short Track Trials

“Canada’s top short track speed skaters compete in this first event of the 2013-14 season to earn spots on the team competing in the four World Cups, including the Olympic Qualification competitions (at World Cup #3 and World Cup #4) and ultimately at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games. Sixteen (16) male and 16 female skaters compete in each of the 500 m, 1000 m and 1500 m races, racing each distance three times at the short track selections in Montreal.” Speed Skating Canada

Dates: August 7th to 18th, 2013

Location: Maurice Richard Arena, Montreal (map)

Schedule of Events


Ellis Edge Ottawa camps being offered in July

Sue Ellis is offering both intermediate and advanced camps in Gloucester in July.

See the details below.



Hi folks

Hope you all had a great skating season!

I will be holding the Ellis Edge Ottawa camps again this year. The camps will be in Gloucester July 7 – 11 for Intermediate (ya, I know I said I wasn’t doing it this year but I had too much fun last year not to!), and the Advanced camp is July 13 – 17.

You can access all the information at

The online registration link is
Please note the link is not accessible on the web page so you must use the above link to pre-register to guarantee your spot.

I look forward to seeing you all in July!


Sue Ellis Ottawa Masters’ Camp

Sue Ellis is offering an Ottawa Masters camp that is now available for pre-registration.

See the details below.


Hi folks

Hope you all had a great skating season!
The Ottawa Masters camp is now open for pre-registration. Please note the different location of the camp this year. Carleton University is expanding their internal programming and was not available to us this year so we are going to Gloucester, which is a suburb of Ottawa. See the accommodation link for University of Ottawa accommodations, hotels, and tips on getting cheaper hotels and car rentals.

Information on the camp is posted here:

To pre-register online now you must use the following link as the general registration does not open until May 8.

Hope to see you all in August


Pin testing dates

Speed Skating Canada offers the Cutting Edge Pin Program to recognize the skaters as they acquire various speed skating skills. Mid year updates and pins were passed out to Youth 1 and Youth 2.  There will be 2 more pin testing dates for the season:

Sun Feb 10th
Tue Feb 26th

Competitive skaters still interested in pin testing are to contact Jennifer and can come for testing on Sunday Feb 10th, at 6:30 pm.

For more information:

Mini Meet Details

This Saturday Dec 22nd, you are invited to join us for our Mini Meet and Games Day. It’s a fun time to socialize with the entire club and skate to our hearts content!

Bring your skates, a potluck snack to share, your appetite, and your sense of fun!  Bring a friend and your family to join us for a group skate at the end of our program. Family and friends should bring their own skates and helmets.

The morning will be roughly broken into the following activities:

7:00-8:00 am   Lots of Laps with John Ambrose! (Y2 and above)

8:00-9:30 am   Races for all ages, in competition style format. Great for learning the ropes!

9:30- 9:45 am  Refreshments and Zamboni

9:45-11:00 am  Reindeer Games (Groups of approx. 20 skaters on the ice for various games, sign up for your favorite when you arrive. Family members wanting to participate in any game activity should have helmets and gloves of  some kind).

11:00-12:00 am  Family and Friend Skate

Ice time updates over Chrismtmas

Here are the changes to the standard schedule over the Christmas season.reindeer_skating2

Saturday Dec 22nd:  Club mini-meet and fun day.  Ice time is 7:00 am – noon.  Details to follow.

Sunday Dec 23rd:  Normal ice time, normal groupings.

Tuesday Dec 25th:  Ice cancelled.

Wednesday Dec 26th:  Ice cancelled.

Sunday Dec 30th:  Ice cancelled.

Tuesday Jan 1st:  Ice cancelled.

Wednesday Jan 2nd:  Ice cancelled.

Sunday Jan 6th: Normal ice time, normal groupings.

These changes have also been added to the Practice Schedule page.

Give speed skating a try!

Does your child want to try speed skating?

The St. Lawrence Speed Skating Club offers a 4-session trial program to new skaters at any time throughout the season.  For $75, your child can rent club speed skates and participate in 4 consecutive speed skating sessions. If your child enjoys the sessions and would like to continue with the club for the season, the $75 trial fee is deducted from the full membership fee.  It’s a great way to see if your child likes speed skating before committing to the full season.  Practices are Tuesday 6-7pm and Sunday 6:30-8:45pm.  Email for more information.

Schedule clarification

The schedule page has been updated to clarify session times – including ice flood times.

Additional notes:

  • At the discretion of the coaches, the ice may be flooded between sessions.  They will do their best to split the flood time evenly between the two sessions.
  • Skaters on the second hour should be ready to go on the ice before the scheduled end of the previous session.  This gives the coaches the opportunity to involve them in activities at the end of the first session, and ensures sure we don’t loose any time between sessions.

Here is a copy of the updated schedule.  The most up to date version is always on the schedule page.

2012 / 2013 Skating Schedule:

6:00-6:55 pm     Youth 1
6:55-7:50 pm    Youth 2/Competitive
Wednesday (Sept – Dec)                 Wednesday (Jan – Mar)
4:30-5:25 pm     Youth 2 / Masters      4:30-5:25 pm     Competitive
5:25-6:20 pm     Competitive               5:25-6:20 pm     Youth 2 / Masters
6:30-7:40 pm    Youth 1 / Youth 2
7:40-8:50 pm     Competitive/  Masters