Mini Meet Details

This Saturday Dec 22nd, you are invited to join us for our Mini Meet and Games Day. It’s a fun time to socialize with the entire club and skate to our hearts content!

Bring your skates, a potluck snack to share, your appetite, and your sense of fun!  Bring a friend and your family to join us for a group skate at the end of our program. Family and friends should bring their own skates and helmets.

The morning will be roughly broken into the following activities:

7:00-8:00 am   Lots of Laps with John Ambrose! (Y2 and above)

8:00-9:30 am   Races for all ages, in competition style format. Great for learning the ropes!

9:30- 9:45 am  Refreshments and Zamboni

9:45-11:00 am  Reindeer Games (Groups of approx. 20 skaters on the ice for various games, sign up for your favorite when you arrive. Family members wanting to participate in any game activity should have helmets and gloves of  some kind).

11:00-12:00 am  Family and Friend Skate

National Sports Day – free trial skate and open house

What: St. Lawrence Speed Skating Club’s Free Community Trial Skate & Open House
Why: To Celebrate Sports Day in Canada!
Who: Everyone Welcome!
When: Sunday, September 30 6-8pm
Where: Brockville Memorial Centre
How: Come to the rink, get fitted with speed skates,and try it for FREE!
**All trial skate participants can enter a draw for 50% off a new youth membership for the 2012/13 season!**

Year End Party Pictures

The year end party for the club was held this past weekend.  After the awards were handed out, some serious pot-luck eating occurred, followed by either the AGM or – for the luck few – a massive session of SurvivorTag/MegaSoccer.

Here are some pictures from the awards ceremony…

Fun Charity Run / Walk in Keptville Sunday June 17th

Once again, SLSSC members and their families are invited to participate in the Champions for Kids Foundation Fun Run/Walk.  

 4th Annual Champions for Kids Foundation Fun Run/Walk!

 1 KM/5 KM and Centipede Teams

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ferguson Forest Centre Trails, Kemptville, Ontario

Registration: 9:00 a.m. (on-site)

Start: 10:00 a.m. for 1 km; 10:20 a.m. for 5 km

 Pledges: $20 minimum for Individuals/Families

$100 minimum for Centipede Teams (4-8 people)

Bring your friends and family!

After the run, walk over to Ribfest to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville!

 For more information and pledge forms, please CLICK HERE

Portland Skate the Lake – January 28th

The eights edition of Portland’s Skate the Lake is coming up on Saturday January 28th.

It really is a lot of fun, especially if a big group is going…

Here is a link to their web page, which has the details, the online registration form, and a video from the Rick Mercer Report with Canadian Short Track Olympian Tanya Vincent.

Here is a link to the press release.

Friday Christmas Clinic Update

Looking forward to seeing everyone!
If adult masters want to swing by the rink to see what we are up to, you are more than welcome to watch from the wings.
For the Youth 2 and Competitive skaters – Registration at 7:30 am
First group on ice at 8 am.
Second group on ice at 1pm
Day will conclude at 4 pm.
*Skater groupings to be determined yet as agenda gets finalized. Priority for the day will be on 1) coaches 2) elite skaters 3) developing skaters. A healthy balance will attempt to be achieved, but the day will fly by!  Activities for any skaters off ice will be arranged.
Please bring:
1) Skates and skating clothes. Might want an extra sweater to stay warm on ice.
2) Running shoes and athletic clothes. We are in the hall for off ice dryland and discussion.
3) Water bottles
4) Health cards etc.
5) Coaches – An IPad if you have one – some video analysis will be done using these tools.
Lunch and snacks will be provided. If you have special dietary concerns, please contact me in advance to discuss.
Call with questions!
Jennifer Roney